Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Elvis Presley! *crowd of girls scream*

I wish i could go back in time
I defiantly would have married him.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Hello, again.. I'm sitting here in my room.. just curious what other people are doing at this moment.. listening to music. sad? Driving around with friends.Having the best day EVER! each day passes by and everyone goes on with there life. Do ever just stop and think about anything other than your own life? Wonder about the millions of other people on this planet, I do. Ponder about your future and let your present pass you by. Live in your imagination and follow your music. Wake and walk a life that your not even there for? or CEASE each moment Love each person. Smile and know.. that you count! not only to yourself but to the people around you because you are indeed! a part of there life and have an effect on which well happen to them. Our minds are easily so closed to what else is around us, and that's how we miss So much and wake up one day realizing that our youth or life has passed us by.. To Learn to everything at the moment! and feel and remember everything vividly! Is it possible for it to be that way.. or am i just a dreamer in a world were dreaming doesn't inflict anyones life!


Thursday, January 24, 2008

The reason of the burning ANKLES


Warning to anyone- If you think working at a coffee shop is fun! FYI it's not it's LONG and PAINFUL! especially if you have your boss breathe down your neck for 5 hours.. :| but it
does have some pro's but the con's DEFINETLY Over right the pros :)

Love Thee Day!



This blog business is very competitive not that i am one to complain, MY thoughts are here for everyone to enjoy:) Daily bit's and pieces I'm just a beginner i am learning SLOWLY but surely yes.. slowly Emotional roller coaster! yes no? NO> of course! ahah love is like a growing flower.. you learn and your petals fall off.. 1 2 3 4 okay sorry.. lost my train of though.. hmmm..? WHERE was I haha yes.. slowly yeah sorry I'm am totally scatter brain today.. I really love the idea of one day of being in a community where people do follow ups and read and listening and learn about other people lives.. Seems so.. like.. INTERESTING cause i myself being 15.. I probably wont get very many readers but one day! one day.. i well.. and you'll come to realize that i am not your average 15 year old.. but that would be contradicting what I'm trying to say by saying that because that's very 15 yr old likeish.. ahh not the point. The point is that there is very brilliant bloggers that i have discovered! and i give you props, I personally just love how people display there blogs and grow a community and oh it's just awesome. Also i'd like to say the Girlysmack does a wonderful job on her blog! and I personally really enjoy reading it! I really do admire your blog!

Signed, missmeeka

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Can see the sunset in your eyes! <3

You know how when your angry.. and just being alone and doing your thing by yourself for a little bit suddenly makes the world a better place.. I think it's because we need to have our brains calmed and not be overwhelmed by others and the outside world.. spending some quality time with your self pays off. You can learn many things by yourself.. Blow off some steam.. or just give your self some good treatments.. paying your self some compliments seem to be helpful it's not being conceited it's just giving yourself that little extra confidence that we all need. To know yourself well makes it easier to make decisions i would think..


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Living AT home TILL when!?

So i was talking to my cousin today.. and we were talking about todays teens..
or i should say adult children.. I don't understand why leaving the nest is so hard
Living on your own and doing everything on your own should be empowering and
excelling at your own pace to become better over time. For my Self as soon as I'm old
enough I'm out of this baby. There's so much more to life then
Just living at home..
To make your money and to buy your own things to set up
everything how you want it.. Struggling learn helping asking for help how are you ever going to learn those life
lessons if you stay at home for the rest of your life?
what are you going to do when
your parent dies no one lives for ever eventually
your going to have learn the older your
are.. the saying "cant teach an old dog new tricks" should kick in about then. I don't know
I shouldn't be saying anything tell I'm in that situation but I'm so passionate about going
off to school and starting my life..

signed, missmeeka

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Okay!!! Seriously I couldn't live with myself :|
MY first blog and I'm totally whining about my life.
How stereotypical of me.So here my first second one
You know! I'm sitting here in my bedroom my lights are
on my back is killing me from this chair, I've been sitting in
this position For 3 and half hour checking my face book
and talking to randoms.. aha - Writing is my deal
I do it a lot.. I'm actually writing a book.. I'm only up to
page 4 kinda got a writers block on page 4 i think i should re
think the whole story.. it's so obvious it my life. Well you know
I thought it'd be genius to write a book on my life because i have
some pretty funny moment's.So I thought. here's some quotes from
it anyways

"Allison looking around the bathroom noticing there is no tolit paper..
"ugh that annoys me"she thought."

" "Allison!" "Allison" "ALLISON!"

"What!?" Allison replied to the voice behind her.

What are you doing tomorrow after school? Ashton yells.

um.. nothing why? Alison feel a sense of an excitement hoping he'll ask her to hang out.

Well .. i was wondering' Can you work for me..? he replies

Oh.. she said disappointingly

Please Allison i really want to go to this party he asked pleadingly

Oh actually i cant, I'm going out of town, she lied..

Oh really, okay well thanks anyways a Ashton says walking away from her

Next time! she yelled.. next time.. you'll ask me to hang out she thought."

lol okay, Obviously i spend to much time in my head i think a lot
but really what can i do i live in a world where reality bites!
My imagination & music is what makes this world so worth while
How many people do you know that put shoes on there wall?
Or would rather take 100 pictures of themselves then go out?
hehe yes- I am guilty as charged :| but you know Life has it's
way of dealing with things:).

Yours truly

MissMeeka <3