Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Living AT home TILL when!?

So i was talking to my cousin today.. and we were talking about todays teens..
or i should say adult children.. I don't understand why leaving the nest is so hard
Living on your own and doing everything on your own should be empowering and
excelling at your own pace to become better over time. For my Self as soon as I'm old
enough I'm out of this baby. There's so much more to life then
Just living at home..
To make your money and to buy your own things to set up
everything how you want it.. Struggling learn helping asking for help how are you ever going to learn those life
lessons if you stay at home for the rest of your life?
what are you going to do when
your parent dies no one lives for ever eventually
your going to have learn the older your
are.. the saying "cant teach an old dog new tricks" should kick in about then. I don't know
I shouldn't be saying anything tell I'm in that situation but I'm so passionate about going
off to school and starting my life..

signed, missmeeka

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