Saturday, March 8, 2008

Poems from My Past-

So the title basically explains it here's some of my poems from the past :)

-Without beholding.

Lately I've Spent Too much time thinking about what could beOnly wishing you would seeDressing for you, knowing that you'll never care..It kills me and it's hard to bareCould you take the moment to look in my eyesAnd tell me what I feel is all lies

-The Unspoken Words

Here's for the words said unspoken. So i write this letter backwards to say I love you first.
I'm so sorry your close to broken. Cause my life is about to burst.
Your my light that's there to give me hope. Please understand because this is no joke.
I'm stuck and I need you to help me cope. I barely know you but. I've knowen you my whole life. And maybe one day my spouse. But that might be going to far. With out you I feel like heading to the bar. Life with you is just so much better. But Now I feel it's time to end this Letter.

-I love that.

You know when your walking... and you get that light smelll of flowers but dont see them..You know when you check your mail .. and find an unexpected checkYou know when your sad.. and your driving your favourite song comes on..You know when you want to do something fun... and someone calls and asks you out!!You know that secrect.. feeling of accomplishment when you clean your room..or when you turn your head and relize that mother earth is sooo beatifulyou know how somedays you feel great and you pick up a piece of garbage when some one you know can finsh your sentences and is rightwhen your hair is doing what you want it too..when that guy you secretly crush on says something nice to you..when your with a friend and you guys laugh so hard at nothing..well... I love that..

- Recent actually right now

A broken heart has been healed
The deal between me and you is perfectly sealed
I walk my paths with a smile
Because i know that I have walked the mile
I past those stepping stones
This Gives me a joy further beyond my bones
Yes I remember and always will
My life is still so young
Have yet to feel the true meaning of life
I will not turn my head to my past
Because The pain has no reason to last

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