Monday, January 25, 2010

Who am I?

I'm stuck in a place between walls and a window. No one's around. It's time that I face myself. To mutter the words who am I? well.. I'm alot of things but to define who i am.. is a hard one.

Where am I? I'm in a place to face my fears.To discover myself, To be who I am.To explore my being,My higher self. What am I doing.? Becoming and not molding into the worlds expectations,Because I have my own.

Who am I? I am my culture. I am a descendant of a medicine women.
Who am I? I am writer, Who acts in her own thoughts.
Who am I? I am a dancer, I dance to pray, I pray to heal, I heal to love, I love to dance.
Who am I? I am White thunder bird, My spirit has it's faults but I fly high and will rise above the rest.
Who am I? I am fatherless, But that hasn't dragged me down. I choose to recognize that, That this is what the Creator held out for me, But i don't dwell on it.
Who am I? I am a new soul, Living and making mistakes on my path of life.Learning and teaching on my walk through.
Who am I? I am a believer in the law of attraction.It is in the power of the positive mind.

Facing yourself doesn't have to be a scary experience. it's a place where you don't have lie or change who you are , hide yourself, Keep things away, Because you know everything, & you'd only be lieing to yourself.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Once In A BLue Moon

Once in a blue moon, I'll just sit back and think what the heck, I don't need a motive to write I can just write about whatever I want. It's my blog ain't it?
You know when you think of something over and over and over then, All over again. Well i haven't been doing that but i just wanted to see if you know what i mean.
I Notice something to, Lately I've been taking these simple concepts and blowing them way out of proportion. Or Expanding on ideas incredible. I've been getting flashes about what i want to write about i have it in my brain. But I'm just to damn lazy to sit and write it... Does that any sense?

So once in a blue moon, I'll sit at my desk or where ever I am and say. Well I'm sitting at my white desk with my two new library books piled over one another my Cinnamon apple tea is so hot the steam is still hovering above the top of the cup. I bet your wondering which books I'm reading well here they are my newest additions - Once in a blue moon - by Eileen goudge and across the nightingale floor by Lian herarn.

My room is slowly beginning to look like a room, How i wouldn't mind have my things right now. So i can sleep happily under the moonlit and starry filled sky.

Signed, MissMeeka

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm on the pursuit to happiness

this stopped blocked Cant buisness is what's really putting you aside
your to fustrated about being blocked
your thinking about how you cant write
You. Are finding excuses to be blocked
But if you can just lift those words out
And look around
your brain
and hear what your saying
Ideas well jsut come naturally
When i write i dont think i cant
i dont feel blocked
If i'm not feeling inspired about anything
if nothing inspires me
I look aroound and it may not inspire me right now
but once i get going it's spadah i cant stop.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Take a few moments out of your day then take a step back and look at your master piece. close yours eyes and take a deep breath, sucks for me i can't breathe hard lol? Life is so unexplainable, So out there and unpredictable! I would have never have guessed that I would be where I am today 3 years ago, Everything just always happens for a reason you know it always works out.

Well, it has for me sometimes you know you can't always have your way, although I/We would GREATLY love that.

I've been thinking about the people i've met, the things i've said. Things people have said, what i've done what've you done.Everything has a purpose,.

It's crazy to see how far a smile can go. Just even if your spirit isnt so high, the smile you give lifts another person and that could save a life. Imagine being on this earth for one purpose, and that purpose was to smile at that individual at that excat timing while walking by.

Maybe that person was feeling unnoticed or like a ghost and here you come prancing looking full of life, love, happiness and you give the most amazing smile to this stranger that says " hey! your alive i'm alive everythings going to be okay." and that's just what that person needed, to give them that little bit of motivation. That if this person see me, then others must to.

You never really know what people are thinking ever. even if i had the chance to hear someone's thoughts for a day I wouldn't take it. Probably be the most invasive thing to do if it were possible. It's crazy some one can smile and say hello and turn around say I hate that girl! But why, To be civil.

Why force your self to be nice someone for whatever reason, why not just not converse with them. I do that, If i dont like the people who surround me. i change the surrounding. I try to keep positive people around me cause then i can be comfortable and happy.

I don't believe i'm gifted or anything of that sort but, Sometimes i can feel feelings of other people like whens someone is mad at you. You can tell with there body language, their tone, the way they saying things, I find it easy for me to read peoples emotions. I wouldn't go out and say hey! you seem Sad even though there acting happy. But, i would ask if anythings wrong? what if that person was screaming inside for someone to ask and you felt and you didn't ask. It's intuitive feeling i suppose, maybe everyone has it and some people are more in tune then others.

"We are inevitably our brother's keeper because we are our brother's brother. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Yours truly, MissMeeka


I Love you she said with a smile. flicking off the light, grabbing her sandwich and cup of lemonade while wondering off into the darkness up the stairs.

I sit in my new room well old room, old new room. ha-ha. Remembering old times, missing the past. What if you could change things by just thinking about it and instantly happen'd. Imagine how many people would be dead! you'd really have to monitor your thoughts and you know that would be incredibly difficult for me.

I'm in a new time in my life, exciting you would say. But I still feel the same, here I am again spending long hours in front of a computer but this time a faster comp. I have several books on the go - "The artist's way" ( which was recommended by a friend and it's not that bad at all actually) "The monk who sold his Ferrari"( It's about a man who got tired of his mainstream life and found his path of enlightenment by becoming a monk, basically go through his journy with him) Eclipse-(twilight saga enough said) "The celestine prophecy" and " Law of attraction, plain and simple".

Right now, i feel this infinite pressure to write something spectacular.But, I know and you know that it quite difficult to write when you force it, am i forcing it? I think I am.

Today, i was thinking about how when you flaunt or "brag" about an un-achieved goal or rather goal you have, it give's you a fake sense of accomplishment, i did that today. it only last awhile so remember to always keep going! and never give up on what you want don't take your eyes off the gold!

Even though i'm back home, i feel happy but at the same i feel i gave up. But, what's worse? Being miserable and not doing anything or feeing disappointed but happy and being productive?


Yours truly, Miss meeka