Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Once In A BLue Moon

Once in a blue moon, I'll just sit back and think what the heck, I don't need a motive to write I can just write about whatever I want. It's my blog ain't it?
You know when you think of something over and over and over then, All over again. Well i haven't been doing that but i just wanted to see if you know what i mean.
I Notice something to, Lately I've been taking these simple concepts and blowing them way out of proportion. Or Expanding on ideas incredible. I've been getting flashes about what i want to write about i have it in my brain. But I'm just to damn lazy to sit and write it... Does that any sense?

So once in a blue moon, I'll sit at my desk or where ever I am and say. Well I'm sitting at my white desk with my two new library books piled over one another my Cinnamon apple tea is so hot the steam is still hovering above the top of the cup. I bet your wondering which books I'm reading well here they are my newest additions - Once in a blue moon - by Eileen goudge and across the nightingale floor by Lian herarn.

My room is slowly beginning to look like a room, How i wouldn't mind have my things right now. So i can sleep happily under the moonlit and starry filled sky.

Signed, MissMeeka

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