Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I Love you she said with a smile. flicking off the light, grabbing her sandwich and cup of lemonade while wondering off into the darkness up the stairs.

I sit in my new room well old room, old new room. ha-ha. Remembering old times, missing the past. What if you could change things by just thinking about it and instantly happen'd. Imagine how many people would be dead! you'd really have to monitor your thoughts and you know that would be incredibly difficult for me.

I'm in a new time in my life, exciting you would say. But I still feel the same, here I am again spending long hours in front of a computer but this time a faster comp. I have several books on the go - "The artist's way" ( which was recommended by a friend and it's not that bad at all actually) "The monk who sold his Ferrari"( It's about a man who got tired of his mainstream life and found his path of enlightenment by becoming a monk, basically go through his journy with him) Eclipse-(twilight saga enough said) "The celestine prophecy" and " Law of attraction, plain and simple".

Right now, i feel this infinite pressure to write something spectacular.But, I know and you know that it quite difficult to write when you force it, am i forcing it? I think I am.

Today, i was thinking about how when you flaunt or "brag" about an un-achieved goal or rather goal you have, it give's you a fake sense of accomplishment, i did that today. it only last awhile so remember to always keep going! and never give up on what you want don't take your eyes off the gold!

Even though i'm back home, i feel happy but at the same i feel i gave up. But, what's worse? Being miserable and not doing anything or feeing disappointed but happy and being productive?


Yours truly, Miss meeka

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